Slide 5 fun fast card game 6 DECKS bulk pack

Slide 5 fun fast card game 6 DECKS bulk pack Reviews

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Slide 5 fun fast card game 6 DECKS bulk pack Feature

  • 2 decks of Slide cards and inst. in each box
  • Slide 5 is a perfect mix of strategy and fun.
  • Six complete sets in the bulk offer
  • Great game for all ages - fast moving and takes thought
  • 6 pack super for classroom or summer camp or wholesale
Slide 5 is a perfect mix of strategy and fun. Everyone chooses a card at the same time, so you are always praying that others don't play that one card that will result in disaster! This game also plays beautifully for large groups as long as you make a slight modification - instead of only dealing 4 rows, deal as many rows as there are players. Examples: 7 players, use cards from 1-77, deal 7 rows, give everyone 10 cards. 10 players, use cards 1-100, deal 10 rows, give everyone 9 cards. This keeps big games from getting annoyingly random without losing the fun. Good luck and have fun!

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Aug 10, 2011 23:14:04


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